
Founded in 1951 as the Pedlow-Nease Company, which later became the Nease Chemical Company.

Began hydrotrope manufacturing in Cincinnati in 1958.

Acquired by Ruetgers AG in 1978 and renamed Ruetgers-Nease.

Reorganized and became Ruetgers Organics Corporation (ROC) in 1997.

During 1999 Marketing and R&D functions relocated to Cincinnati to better service our customers.

In 2005 Nease Corporation was spun off from Ruetgers Chemicals AG and became a wholly owned subsidiary of International Chemical Investors Group (ICIG). ICIG is a private equity group headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, and specializes in investments in medium sized chemical companies.

As part of ICIG’s initiative to become a world-class supplier, the affiliation of WeylChem Group of Companies and Nease took place in 2015. This affiliation brings together collaborative product and resource innovation capabilities.




